People often blame healthcare, but the insurance companies screw far more people over to recoup the money. If you did not have insurance, then you should have already received a self-pay discount applied to non-insurance holders, and you can always request a further Official Just A Girl Who Loves Chucky Halloween Shirt on the age of the debt. At the time I didn’t have health insurance cuz it was my first few months back in the US. It’s paid off now but it never even occurred to me to dispute the charges. At the time, I assumed my sister paid it off cuz she works for the hospital and was there with me when I went. Then bam collections sent a notice. Yeah, I just got billed $2800 ER “ec4” care charge.
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That is in addition to the $750 doctor charge and the $800 x-ray charge. All for a swollen ankle that I walked in with. From what I have read Emergency care level 4 is not appropriate for a sprained ankle. I called the Official Just A Girl Who Loves Chucky Halloween Shirt. It can’t afford $200/month for fucking two years. I was there for 45 minutes…… Did I get my $17k bill for a bag of saline and a bag of Phenergan? They “only” charged me $2400 after insurance and literally said the words. “You should be grateful you have insurance” when I called to discuss with their billing department. It’s honestly not worth the hassle at this point because it’s been a few years ago and it’s been paid off already. At least now I know.
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