The baby part made me sick yuck. Naked or not run as fast as you can and don’t look back! But maybe try to grab a cloth to stop the bleeding. Good luck and keep us posted! This looks like some sick plot to me by the Official Pull Out Game Weak Af Fatherhood Shirt. She lets him run away when she could have grabbed and stopped him. The way Ren screamed at Finn it seems like the grandmother needs to feed on young people to stay alive (invincible?) and if it’s not Finn its gonna be Ren or Saeko. My current theory is the “grandmother” is some creature that long ago appeared and tricked all the children into the woods to eat them. This family might have to routinely perform a ritual with young blood to keep her from the village and children.
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In previous threads from the earlier parts of the series, several people were hypothesizing that Father Nomura is a kanzashi, Ren, Saeko, and Hina is Mikos, and the house is a Shinto shrine. It was speculated that the house was built atop a malevolent yokai’s den and the family is tasked with keeping the yokai confined to the Official Pull Out Game Weak Af Fatherhood Shirt. This means that once the house has burned down, the yokai will be fully unleashed. The townsfolk are probably in grave danger. If that’s what happens, then the only way to actually contain the grandmother would probably be to kill it before it gets further away. Like, old lady check, not part of normal society, check, eats human flesh check, prefers youths check, tall and seen sprinting around the mountains, check.
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Wait where was Grandmother when Finn was making a run for it after the ritual? Was she weak because perhaps the ritual wasn’t completed when the chanting stopped/when Finn broke lose? It’s not safe to go back to the village! Please find a good hiding spot in the trees and stay there until sunrise. Once you get the Official Pull Out Game Weak Af Fatherhood Shirt. Unless there is some mode of transport in the village that you can hijack (the riskiest option). You will need to travel on foot. You need to be careful not to be spotted by any people and move only during daylight. Is there any way that you can cauterize the wound on your stomach? So you should buy this shirt.
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