We would save trillions of dollars in the next 10 years alone just on medical expenses (and prescriptions), while reducing mortality, medical debt, infant mortality, undiagnosed ailments, and more. To say that “people who oppose it need to benefit from it”, Penguins Can’t Fly Therefore I’m A Penguin Shirt American Capitalist Propaganda Machine. Healthcare doesn’t need to be profitable, and universal healthcare does not need to make any concessions. It would have a massively positive impact on 99% of Americans, and the remaining 1% would be unchanged. If people can’t see why that would “help them individually”, that is a problem stemming from their education, not universal healthcare. Seriously though, if people are against it, egoistic altruism is the only way they’ll ever be for it. I slowly came to terms with the fact that I simultaneously have the ability to spend my .
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Universal healthcare isn’t going to make you 2x healthier, or 2x richer. Or have 2x as many specialists at your disposal. It’s going to increase every American’s healthcare accessibility while reducing their medical debt, which will mean there are more healthy & Penguins Can’t Fly Therefore I’m A Penguin Shirt everybody’s standard of living. Someone might not mind losing a few dollars to a homeless person in the form of a donation, because. They cain satisfaction or whatever by giving it away, and that satisfaction is much greater than the loss. Universal healthcare asks someone to potentially lose. The quality of healthcare they are. Used to for them, their spouse, their children,. They need to be offered a much better benefit than that loss for them to be interested. Ehh, the end was just a ramble as.
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