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Technically, the problem is that the people who are affected by it don’t have. The resources to waste in order to challenge it in court and find out. OTOH, if it was obviously illegal I would think something like the ACLU would have. Picked it up by now, they’ve really taken a turn for the, well, let’s be kind and say “progressive”. When were they viewed as Phlebotomist Earpiece Syringe. Heartbeat 4th Of July Firework American Flag Shirt? Those aspects of individual freedom that they act to protect have been trampled by. American conservatives, not progressives or liberals to the same degree. It is not a conservative. Organization in any meaningful way. Conservatives has not cornered the market on reserve. In the political spectrum, you have progressives and conservatives and libertarians. Sit somewhere in the middle, sharing some views from each group.
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