Powells and the Strand are about $50M/year revenue, about .002% of the print book market. Powells and any business have to finance their inventory. The finance cost alone of their inventory is likely over $9M a year. They are under constant pressure from Amazon with Amazon print book market share growing at greater than 10% a year. So I’m happy to support Powells. And I’m happy to the Premium 4TH Grade Was Fun But Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come 2020 Shirt. Amazon has hundreds of engineers optimizing their website and have been at it for many years. The Powells branch at the airport is Portland’s calling card. Beaverton accesses the Washington County economy. Hawthorne is likely a long term low-cost lease. Powells and the Strand are about $50M/year revenue, about .002% of the print book market.
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Powells and any business have to finance their inventory. The finance cost alone of their inventory is likely over $9M a year. You’ve painted a dire picture, but I fail to see how it’s incompatible with anything I’ve said. All of these facts you shared are the useful context in underscoring my consternation. Powell’s attempts to compete in the Premium 4TH Grade Was Fun But Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come 2020 Shirt. If the goal was to preserve Powell’s brand for future Portland generations, they could have easily done just that. The object of my “strange rant” is to make you consider why you are happy to support small local bookstores. I’d venture to guess you do so because the sense of community is well worth the dollars sacrificed. You take pleasure in knowing you are helping put food on your neighbor’s table.
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When you shop at a genuinely small business, you are doing just that. Are you doing that with Powell’s? Ask a local small business owner if their annual gross is in the tens of millions. The image of the Powells as kindly benefactors who are running the business because they love Portland and they want to keep food on the table for their employees is demonstrably a fabrication. Placing an online order with Powell’s doesn’t support local small businesses. You might as well buy your book from Amazon. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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