You’re calling an innate aspect of someone’s character – what makes them who they are as an individual – a fucking sin. Excuse me Premium Bailey Sarian Suspish Shirt is all knowing and all powerful, so he essentially purposely creates people the way that they are knowing exactly what they’ll do and that they’ll be damned for it? I hate hearing “Everything is a part of God’s plan”. So, when some rapist asshole rapes a baby, that’s part of God’s plan? Even if they could prove to me that God was real, I wouldn’t worship a being that not only let that happen, but actually planned it. Christians refers to a massive group of people. Many have different opinions and beliefs. I’m not part of a christian organization anymore, but some of my family is and they are not only open.
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But support lgbt and try to be part of a change in the traditional churchs view. I understand the reason Christianity gets shit on so much, Premium Bailey Sarian. Suspish Shirt beings that try to do good things. I think that is one of the benefits of organized religion. It gives people meaning and reasoning to be good people. Of course, like everything in the world, this doesnt apply to everyone because there will always be exceptions. Also god makes them the way they are, because he shapes us all himself, and can’t make mistakes. So he punishes you for what he made you. So that way too common interpretation of god punishes People for his own “”mistake. I’ve always been annoyed with the narrative that.
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