Follow-me eyes! It’s a fun illusion. I made a werewolf costume with concave eyes once and it always made people uncomfortable that no matter. Where they would stand in the room, I was always looking at them. Reminds of the gif where there’s hair on the floor in the Premium Cute Cat Kitty Corona Fake Shirt. I actually went the other way with it. The cat face had some kind of creepy uncanny valley feel to it. I wasn’t paying attention to the leg at first. I saw the tail and knew it was a dog. Still a good unexpected twist. I was just staring at the face and had a kind of uncanny valley reaction. “Somethings not right here, and I’m scared”. Oh yeah, my cat has such an expressive angry face. You know when he’s pissed.
Premium Cute Cat Kitty Corona Fake Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

Not really angry. Just semi-permanent annoyance that you’re taking up space in their house. Does someone make masks for dogs or did they just decapitate a cat toy? There post and comment karma. You get post karma when your posts get upvoted and comment karma for a Premium Cute Cat Kitty Corona Fake Shirt. So having <100 after years in the site means almost no posts or comments whatsoever. They feel so warm if you stroke them while they sunbathe, and they love it too. Your cat and my cat are identical twins! Super black but in the sunshine, you can see some reddish browns, and when the light is just right I can almost see stripes.
Official Premium Cute Cat Kitty Corona Fake Sweatshirt, Hoodie

I see that in yours too! Plus those same gorgeous yellow/gold eyes. Black cats in the sun are so beautiful! You can really see all the colors in their coat. Now you have 2 times as much gold and 100% more silver than me. I have a Premium Cute Cat Kitty Corona Fake Shirt. She wasn’t at first but after 2 years she has warmed up to us! We cant pet her all the time but she does come up to us now if she wants them. And then she is absolutely adorable! I had 50 karma after 5 years until I accidentally posted something people liked.
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