You must get out and vote. Vote early, and vote in person. And at the same time, you need to convince everyone you know to get out and vote early and vote in person. And convince them to convince everyone THEY know to get out and vote early and vote in person. Remember that, Premium Juice 90s Movie Cartoon Shirt, Republicans could, in the worst-case scenario, win just 24% of the popular vote and still win the election. And on top of that they are desperate and the election to a degree we have not seen before. One month to go. Wake up every morning and focus on this as if the fate of the entire country depending on what you, personally, are going to do. Because it does.
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Does anyone have an article of them complaining about her care, would like to share it? I love that because AOC is a target for all this stupid hateful trash that she has tons of ammo to use to call out sexism and hypocrisy in undeniably poignant ways. Trump is literally Biff from “Back To The Future”, an uneducated bully that cheated to get into. Power Premium Juice 90s Movie Cartoon Shirt. Can’t believe that dude wasted. On his hair what people don’t make in a year, and out of the taxpayer’s pocket. Who criticized AOC over a haircut, I’m not saying they didn’t. I just don’t remember it. Personally, both are way above what I’d spend on a haircut. I’m all for people spending their money how they choose. And I’m guessing AOC did not write off her haircut which I doubt is even legal for a public servant to do.
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