The same was also said for things like Finn and Jericho on Jericho’s podcast talking about how tremendously easy and good he was to work with (Chris not even being wt the Premium Kamala Harris Shirt). This same mindset was being applied outside of WWE programming. But if I recall correctly, the same thing happened with Cena. Fans online would get riled up when wrestlers praised him, claiming it was just PR. Or politically motivated. It took those same fans nearly a decade to catch up and realize how good Cena actually is, and how a few of questionable decisions in his career doesn’t change that. Fans weren’t happy Cena ditched the gimmick that initially got him over with fans and became the poster child of the PG-era.
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I don’t know man. The fans turned on Cena by Wrestlemania 22. Around that time Cena was still calling people bitches and being disrespectful. Funny enough he got started getting rejected when he went over fan favorites Y2J and Christian. They changed Premium Kamala Harris Shirt at ‘mania 21. He didn’t rap anymore and was portrayed as the underdog, not as an ass-kicker. Wrestling’s popularity was divebombing between 2001 and 2006, despite in many ways, the violence, swearing, and sexual content in some ways, actually being higher than during the height of the Attitude Era. Because frankly, if you wanted to see sexy women is not a lot of clothing. A lot of people had the Internet now. And people got tired of the violence and pointless swearing, and also. A lot of those younger fans grew up.
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