God makes people because of that. It’s like giving a dog food and then punishing it for eating it, it’s not the gays fault for being gay. It’s so Premium Legendary FisherMan Are Born In 1976 Vintage Shirt. Because in the Bible it states that all sins are forgiven when one accepts Christ as their savior. Therefore how can they rot in hell if they believe in Christ? Also it’s weird when it’s such a big point where gay people are mentioned only 3 times in the Bible and 2 of them mostly focus on the “lust” aspect of the act. Jesus also said a whole bunch of stuff about people not getting into heaven because of their works as well – like being too rich, not being righteous enough, not being childlike enough, etc. Like the 10 commandments. God literally wrote them himself and gave them to Moses in writing.
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Jesus was definitely not a faith only guy, but he also didn’t seem to give a shit if you were a horrible sinner either (and also didn’t say anything about homosexuality being a sin, so even more against the whole gay hate thing.) Christians are Premium Legendary Fisherman. Are Born In 1976 Vintage Shirt. “God is all knowing, all powerful, all loving.” Then by that definition, god made me gay, knew I would have no choice but to be attracted to the same sex (therefore I have no free will)…and he sends me to hell for it. Makes perfect sense!!! Starting with the definition – Bible means “a collection of books”. As in, different content from different authors. It was compiled by the Catholic Church a few hundred years after the time of Jesus. The protestants, of course, have a. Slightly) different Bible from the Catholics for this reason.
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