When I went to the doctor’s office in March they put a thermometer in my mouth. When I went to the doctors this week they lasered my forehead. Forehead laser checks aren’t Premium Proverbs 31 Woman Shirt it is significantly altered by outdoor temperature. I went to public school and we had to line up and enter the school in an orderly fashion throughout elementary school until we started high school. I don’t see what the issue is. There is simply no way to put all of Ontario’s students back in school and maintain a 6ft distance at all times. The classrooms and school buildings cannot physically accommodate it. Forcing 5 years olds to line up in -30C weather to get their temperature check is probably a stupid idea. I hope to God you don’t have kids
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I have two kids. One 6, one 8. I would honestly rather have them wait in the cold for a few extra minutes than have them risk being exposed to someone who may be carrying COVID-19. I bundle my kids up appropriately Premium Proverbs 31 Woman Shirt. Yes, but the report also says that social distancing may not be necessary outside. All I am saying is that the report is not the answer to our problems. There will be solutions, and not all of them will be ideal or perfect. And to reduce the lineup at the door, staggered entrance times would solve that, again, not perfect due to siblings and such, but there are solutions out there. The report from Sick Kids advises against temperature checks as being impractical and not very reliable indicators.
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