Someone made a joke last week about not wanting a new mod to be “3 Alices in a trench coat” and the new mod’s picture is a Premium Skull Falling Apart Shirt. Looks like they all jumped ship. I just refreshed the page and noticed a number of mods are gone. We’re down to 3 including the newest mod with the hour’s old account. Yup. You cannot leave a women-centric sub like this open to Reddit. Especially right now, when black women on this sub feel like we are being treated as less than during a time when we are fighting to be heard IRL. This is just all so weird. Like why post a whole thing about having an application for mods, reaching out to other subs to get advice, etc.
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If a week in you were all going to quit and create a weird Wizard of Oz type situation (here’s the mod, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!)? So much for that rigorous community vote and application by her were talking about! If the mods didn’t think that the comments were inappropriate, why was that conversation deleted? Why not ban or suspend the Premium Skull Falling Apart Shirt? I don’t understand why a public discussion was shut down because of private messages and complaints. I mean they are literally saying “I locked this because the racists were complaining,” which is something! Just ban me or ask your fellow mods for help or ignore them, don’t silence the people doing good work?
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Yeah, that seems like a great way to figure out who should be getting the boot here. I can’t believe that locked! This is fucked up, there was nothing in that thread that was remotely “antiwhite“. And the fact that something so innocuous appears to be the straw that broke the Premium Skull Falling Apart Shirt. This definitely looks bad, I didn’t look at the thread later in the day but the comments were all positive last I checked? I’ve been mostly a lurker in this discussion (and this sub tbh) but I’ve been reading this sub since the first GOMI exodus and as a WOC this kind of response doesn’t exactly make me want to participate more actively in this community.
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