My mother has such a Premium The One Where They Go To Disney Shirt time getting a job because she was a stay at home mother for so long and she has very little experience. In our hometown, there are tons of retail jobs available but she has back issues. And just cannot sit or stand for too long at once. Where I’m from, all cashiers sit except those at a customer. Service desk or at a convenience desk. I don’t understand making. Those at the bigger tills stand. It’s already an exhausting and tedious job. Under California wages orders, all employees must be provided with “suitable seats when the nature of the work reasonably. Permits a seat.” Furthermore, even when the nature of the work requires standing, an adequate number of seats must be “placed in reasonable proximity to the work area. And employees must be allowed to use those seats. At times when it doesn’t interfere with their job duties.
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It’s important to note that the Premium The One Where They Go To Disney Shirt applies to two sets of circumstances, explained Christopher Olmsted, an attorney with Ogletree Deakins in San Diego. First, employers should consider whether seating should be provided for use while the employee is performing work. Second, the employer should consider whether seating should be provided for use while employees are idle. I work as a Yankee Candle associate so I’m on my feet just standing around all day. A few minutes sitting on it when the store is empty. The only reason I can handle my 8 hours with my knee and back issues is because of my experience in the highly competitive marching band. I literally never get to sit on my podium. I have disallowed a stool as a (pregnant) cashier at Whole Foods because it wasn’t “in the handbook” to let cashiers sit.
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