Well there was a candidate SARS (closer to COVID-19 than the flu is) vaccine that ended up causing people to have Princess’s Shave Kings Have Beards Skull Crown Shirt. He has been with seven different administrations without a hitch or argument against what he has been saying. Trump wants to second-guess him and discredit him for some unknown reason. It’s not a coincidence, Trump is something trying to silence him. I think no matter what you think of lockdowns, masks, trump, coronavirus, or whatever the fuck, you cannot really argue Fauci is a bad guy. He just wants to prevent as many deaths as possible. I actually enjoy reading them. You can’t find better jokes anywhere. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt for your collection.
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Yolo, gimme the vax. What’s the worst that happens, I fucking die anyway? Whatever. I’ll take it. If the dumbest thing in life I do is get vaccinated for COVID then that’s a trash life. Wonder how this compares to the Oxford vaccine’s success with immunity. The Princess’s Shave Kings Have Beards Skull Crown Shirt if it still makes it to be used on the UK public by October. I have only started to read American twitter/Facebook feeds because i just did not believe the constant comment from Reddit saying how stupid. Ignorant and brainwashed Americans are. I cannot believe how many people are anti-science and think that by “challenging” it with conspiracies etc. they think they are all of a sudden smart. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt for your collection.
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