I thought that initially as well, but there are a few issues with the radiation theory. First, the area where all Problems And My Toddler Single-Handedly Created 98 Of Them In 27 Minutes Shirt the area before and after with no ill effects, meaning its unlikely that they came across something the government dumped there. Second, there were initial survivors of whatever came over the group despite being right beside those who did die suddenly; a man and a woman, who would be the only survivors of the incident until a few minutes later when the man began to show the same symptoms before dropping dead as well. Supposedly the guy specifically asked him to say hello to my grandma and her sister (my grandpa hadn’t mentioned a sister).
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You’d think that if they came across something like high radiation or a dumped nerve agent, it would have just Problems And My Toddler Single-Handedly Created 98. Of Them In 27 Minutes Shirt if it was in high enough concentration to kill the other members of the group as quickly as it did. It’s possible she had some natural mutation that made the nerve agent ineffective against her. Rare but stranger shit has happened, depends on the action of the agent involved. If it was something that dispersed into the air it may have just been that he took. Longer to reach a pocket of it in the air, it just took longer to affect him etc. And by the time anyone else came by who could be affected it had dispersed. What really fucks me up about MKUltra is that everything we know about it is. Because the government decided to release it.
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