The financial crash happened in 2007/2008. Labour fucked us long before then. And yes handing out council houses and benefits to any lazy cunt did contribute to it. And contributes to the housing shortage for the young working-class even today. All these political parties are cunts. All of them. But this idea that Labour is for the Rock Hard Caulking Services You Got A Hole We’ll Put Our Caulk In It Vintage Shirt. As I said, it was Blair and Brown who started privatizing the NHS, not the Tories. Council houses and benefits were never handed out to “any lazy cunt”. The lack of council housing stock is due to the right to buy – started under.
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The current crisis of affordable housing, not confined to the UK, is largely down to the Rock Hard Caulking Services You Got A Hole We’ll Put Our Caulk In It Vintage Shirt. (Encouraged by successive Governments of both stripes) disincentivizing a). The construction of genuinely affordable housing and b) the construction of housing on a scale that would cause a decline in the value of current housing stock. This has only got worse since 2008, with interest rates low incentivizing even greater investment in the area, and fuck all meaningful legislation to alleviate the issue. I’m certainly not going to defend the Iraq war, or Brown selling bullion (though I don’t have much of an opinion either way on the latter). Nor will I defend New Labour’s “third way” creeping privatisation of public services and PFI timebombs.
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But the NHS was in a far greater state under them, as opposed to now. It expects a regular, annual crisis to push it over capacity every winter and is by all metrics worse off than before ’10. Yea but honestly most people suck a Rock Hard Caulking Services You Got A Hole We’ll Put Our Caulk In It Vintage Shirt. There is an insane overlap between underlying conditions and old age. Also, obesity, as far as I know, doesn’t count as an underlying condition while it definitely should be. Also, my mum is a nurse and has a heart issue, something to do with valves (that I can’t remember the name of because it’s got about 15 syllables) one of the doctors she works with has said that this does not put her in an at-risk category as it’s something that would not cause complications to coronavirus infection.
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