Or we expect them to ask for 1 or the She Smelled The Gunpowder And The Next Thing I Knew She Was Naked Shirt. If I have to fill out the fields, your system should be smart enough to generate a standard form with applicant data. Hey, I can answer this! I built recruiting and onboarding software for an HR company, and this was also a complaint from the development staff. In many places, by law, an employer cannot fill out any government forms on behalf of the employee. As we were acting on the employer’s behalf to collect the information. So even though the software has all your information, filling it out for you would be against the law. And yet again, if I put the info in a form, they don’t need a pdf in the first place. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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In locations where it’s not illegal, it doesn’t make sense to build more software that auto-fills, because if the law changes (happens a lot), the software would have to be adjusted again. It’s a She Smelled The Gunpowder And The Next Thing I Knew She Was Naked Shirt. And in many cases legally required—to just have the employee or candidate fill it all out themselves. That’s simply not true. All that has to be entered by the person is their signature verifying the information is true. It kind of just sounds like you don’t want to fill out fields. If you’re filling out fields, does it really matter that you have to take an extra 5 seconds to attach your resume? Would filling out fields and not having to attach a resume really be the difference-maker for you. They can do is spend 2 minutes reading through my resume rather. Than having an algorithm throw out my application before they even see it.
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