I deferred for a year (as did he) and whilst he travelled the world with his then gf, I worked in a trouser packing factory (literally packing boxes of orders of Farah trousers to ship to stores), and basically wasted my year when I could have done ANYTHING. This became my par for the course….get an opportunity….fuck it up. As Sometimes It Hurts Physically To Hold My Sarcastic Comments Shirt. I’d like to add to that, that at least for extracurriculars, make sure they’re having fun and seeking joy. I was one of the kids in AP/IB full course load in HS, and had a passion. And was good at) swimming. Went to college on a full swimming scholarship- and while my. Other swimming friends got burnt out, I wasn’t ready to stop at the end.
Sometimes It Hurts Physically To Hold My Sarcastic Comments Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie

I’ve also gone on to get my PhD in ChemE and enjoy my job now. I say all of these things honestly not as a “look at my success” but as “I followed the things I enjoyed in life, putting both passion and effort Sometimes It Hurts Physically. To Hold My Sarcastic Comments Shirt“. As others have said – reward effort. Positive encouragement for effort. Encourage them to pursue real interests, not just succeed academically. Show them that success has many forms, not just being a doctor or lawyer. I’m a burnt-out gifted child, who is very happy now in life, doing almost nothing that I would’ve expected when I was in school. I was able to keep an open mind because I had older siblings who followed the rules. And didn’t seem happy, and I saw my parents didn’t. Seem that happy either.
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