Canada has ZERO vaccine production facilities and it ahould be. Viewed as a national security failure. Big problem is that it Sometimes You Just Gotta Say Moo And Walk Away Cow Shirt. It even slows down before that at around 50%. Israel vaccinated 50% of its population in 2 months. In the 2 months since, they’ve only gone up to 60% and have basically flatlined. Got Pfizer. Would have preferred JJ as a young and healthy person. The effectiveness from a hospitalization standpoint is comparable and it’s only one shot! I’d prefer the short timeline to strong immunity rather than going back for a second shot to avoid getting sick at all. I got J&J yesterday as well :high five:. TBH, although it was less effective, it is still about as effective as the annual flu vaccine, is 95% effective at preventing serious illness and > 99% effective at preventing death.
Sometimes You Just Gotta Say Moo And Walk Away Cow Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
Presumably, it also reduces viral load, so it makes it less likely that. You can spread Covid even if you are exposed. It is a good Sometimes You Just Gotta Say Moo And Walk Away Cow Shirt are really good. My son seems to know everything about the different vaccines, and tells me that you can’t compare J&J to the others. J&J was tested under significantly different conditions (variants, etc). He insists that it’s been shown to be just as effective as the others under similar conditions. I hope so, because I’m getting the J&J this Sunday. So with the J&J vaccine you have basically zero chance of ending up in hospital. I think like most folks I don’t give a rats ass if I catch covid. I just don’t want to end up in hospital. All covid vaccines prevent hospitalization and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters.
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