To be honest, that’s part of the reason my girlfriend and I started playing D&D. We cut out so many toxic people in our lives and needed to find new people. Find a hobby or interest that will let you meet new friends. You Stress Entsteht Wenn Das Gehirn Dem Korper Verbietet Jemanden Shirt. OP, I meant no harm to you by using the phrase. I’m sure the phrase itself, to you, felt like an innocent use, but I failed to remember that we are on Reddit and I need to be hyper aware of the people who do not have a rape victim’s emotions in mind. I did not associate the word touch with physical touch because it is in a phrase where physical touch is completely removed from the meaning, and it went right over my head. My deepest apologies.
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Edit: It has been brought to my attention that using the phrase “touched on” could’ve contributed to a misunderstanding of my intention with this reply. I did not intend to set anyone up for a rape joke. It was Stress Entsteht Wenn Das Gehirn Dem Korper. Verbietet Jemanden Shirt, honest. I forgot that reddit is full of people who will see the word “touch”. And will jump at the chance to make a joke about rape/molestation. This was my mistake. Same here. I didn’t tell until I was 21. Worse thing of all was that it was my grandfather and it happened for years. It actually really messed me up tonight because I have these feelings of guilt. For telling people what happened but I know it was the right thing. To do and I’m generally a way happier person because of it.
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