I love my wife but you can not leave ANYTHING. Lying around in a useful place for later on. That shit will be put in The Best Bounty Hunter In The Galaxy Jeremy Bulloch 1945 2020 Thank For The Memories Signature Shirt. Our abode to never be found. Yesssss and I can sleep peacefully with no one complaining if I fidget or change positions. If you’ve ever seen the movie Dances With Wolves, there’s a scene. Where one of the natives is wearing Costner’s army. Cap after he lost it during a buffalo hunt. The Indian says “if he wanted his hat, he wouldn’t have left it on the prairie. Then this is 100% one of the things I like the most. And one of the reasons that even if I get into a relationship it’ll take a while to stay over. Need my sleep man.
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As someone with small children, I dream of this! So I once found my house keys posted back outside through the letterbox in the front door and my wallet in the freezer. It’s a bit like being in college playing pranks on each other but never-ending! Weird how one to cuddle. And “I The Best Bounty Hunter In The Galaxy Jeremy Bulloch. 1945 2020 Thank For The Memories Signature Shirt” seems to temporarily make you forget..! Man that’s the one thing I miss about being single, the bed space and being able to do. Whatever weird positions I want on the bed having a fan blowing into my forehead. Now I am forever cursed to the very edge of the bed. And one wrong move equals a broken bone. The first part, yeah, the second part, no, cats are assholes, that’s all I can say. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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