It’s going to be grimly entertaining to see those who frothed at the mouth opposing M97, jolly-swallowing the corporate bullshit. Now screaming bloody hell about the incompetent health care system. And the failing education system as their world crumbles to pieces over the Top 5TH Grade Was Fun But Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come 2020 Shirt. It was my pleasure to write it. I got a chuckle out of the comments dismissing it based on length or grossly misconstruing the sentiment. If someone finds reading tiresome or they can’t do so critically, they’re not my target audience. I appreciate your kudos and I welcome the perspective of anyone who disagrees so long as they engage on a deeper level than “but much book store” and don’t ask a question that’s already been clearly addressed.
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I didn’t have the patience to scroll through the donations to the anti-M97 campaign, so I’ve got no clue what sort of individuals or organizations took an interest aside from juggernauts I named. It imagines their stance was based on a principal aversion to taxation or because they trusted Emily Powell and the news articles. Funny how that works. Thank you for actually doing research and posting a well-made essay. I don’t fucking understand all the downvotes but hey, it does be like that sometimes. I am open to disagreements based on facts or a flawed premise, but downvotes are easier. It can’t tell you how much I appreciate it when someone notices the effort that went into this. Thanks for reading.
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Thanks for taking the time to parse out her letter, and the background check.. not the first CEO type to try on the small struggling business cape, nor the last. You’re absolutely right about the Top 5TH Grade Was Fun But Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come 2020 Shirt. I took exception to it being used in the manner described, though. As a (former) Powell’s employee, you aren’t wrong about any of this. Even if my Reddit post history comprised everything you loathe, from my favorite cookie to the way I pronounce “GIF,”. What reason did you have to poke around in it when the original post speaks for itself? As of 4:30 pm on the 20th of March, there have been none of the latter.
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