Marvez and Eddie talk. Eddie no-sells that he’s heartbroken about Top Guitar You Only Know This If You’re Cool Vintage Retro Shirt. Mox shows up and stares Eddie down. Eddie says he wasn’t the one that beat him up. Mox walks off without saying a word. Eddie is mad about is Feng Shui being thrown off. Eddie has no idea that wrestling is work. He makes Justin Roberts surrender his microphone. They then cut off THAT mic. Cody comes out from backstage and tells Taz he’s done. Says he respects Taz but that he’s wasting time. Just settle it in the ring next week. Taz says Cody is a step away from future endeavoring him and that Cody’s full of corporate bullshit. Cody says Taz’s son Hook is training with Cody and not him. Taz calls Cody pathetic and pretends to bail before choking out.
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Cody then bailing because Gunn club and Dustin run to the thing. Hook then appears with Taz to carry out the belt. After Will’s Top Guitar You Only Know This. If You’re Cool Vintage Retro Shirt. Taz sends Hobbs out of the arena after congratulating him. Taz says the FTW belt isn’t being acknowledged for what it is, nor Team Taz getting the respect it deserves. He challenges someone from “management” to come out and make it mean something. His mic is cut. Kenny says the year he’s spent being taken seriously again will be worth it once he gets the belt. He pleads for Moxley to leave the trash wrestling at home. Kenny also congrats Mox on being a dad. Also says his dad would beat the shit out of Mox’s dad. These are fighting words and if spoken on the sub will result in a ban. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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