I and my friends had to do this in Amsterdam. We didn’t bring toothpaste with us. But we didn’t want to go back to the room after we went out and bought some. So we just brought our Top It’s Your Civic Duty To Get On The Beers Shirt. And brushed them waiting on the platform for a train. Didn’t think much about it but a few locals gave us some concerning stares. So around 40-50 years back in India, people used “Datun”, teeth cleaning twig from the Neem tree(Indian lilac/Azadirachta Indica) as a toothbrush. People used to just chew on the twig for hours in the. End going about their business. So you could actually see people brushing their teeth in the streets sometimes. Almost everyone uses actual toothbrushes now but you can still find. Some people using Datun as it’s pretty effective against tooth decay and gum disease.
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Oh God, this reminds me of a school trip abroad to Germany. When we arrived at our hotel at around 9 pm, 2 friends and I just took out our brushes and started brushing our teeth while randomly walking around and riding elevators. If there was someone with us in the elevator somebody would randomly let out a very silent moan (we were 18), people Top It’s Your Civic Duty To Get On The Beers Shirt lost it, it was beautiful. I was running late to a function last week and was in the car when I remembered that I hadn’t brushed my teeth. But luckily I had a travel toothbrush in my bag. So I dry brushed my teeth while driving the back roads. The only car to go past had a couple of young women in it and I could see them laughing their heads off at me!
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