We would probe and Top Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Butterflies Orange Ribbon Shirt. 15 years later, I found out by accident that they were very much together. Not sure of the circumstances but I giggled for weeks about finding out the truth . That a teacher had slept with a student. It was a rumor my freshman year (2009). Teacher ended up leaving the school in 2011. Then in 2013 the kid came forward (I say kid but he was like 23 at this point) that it was true and she was arrested and stuff. It had been happening in the 2007 and 2008 school years. So this one is kind of dumb, but funny. we had a younger history teacher in HS. she was like 28. a rumor went around that she was a party animal and would do gang bangs. I felt bad, but also.. it was deserved.
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A rumor Top Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Butterflies. Orange Ribbon Shirt. Some people say certain practice rooms are haunted. Whether you believe that part is up to you. But they say it’s haunted by a girl who killed herself in one of the rooms (I know which specific one, but don’t feel like describing it). I thought it was bullshit. But then I looked it up and found the article. Apparently she was a high school student who walked from the high school across the street over to the building. Supposedly a teacher who still works there found her. I wish I could confirm that he did but felt like it’d be a sensitive topic to bring up with him. It was always rumored that our gym teachers (Mr and Ms) in middle school were an item.
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