I got genuinely saddened when I saw that you weren’t gonna throw in BCoC. Still, though, I read through the entire post and wasn’t disappointed. I really feel like Simon might have a chance against that bastard. Sure, the Bloody Crow was both a Top Opa Und Enkeltochter Er Ist Ihr Held Sie Ist Seine Pringessin Shirt. At the same time though, Simon’s wit, sanity, and stealth could give him an advantage, I think. Not to mention that he’s offed Brador more than a few times, and is able to stay sane even in a nightmare. I disagree with your reasoning about #18, Henriett being a traitor to the Church. I think she’s doing her duty, which would be putting down any former members who’ve succumbed to the beast plague. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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Before anybody can figure out that the nice cleric, nun, priest, vicar. or whoever is now actually a slobbering, raving, psychotic beast-monster-thing, thus ruining theirs. There’s a chalice root with 4 killer queen as NPCs I believe? I’ve seen this in a really long time. But it was so fucking funny seeing 4 together, those Top Opa Und Enkeltochter Er Ist Ihr Held Sie Ist Seine Pringessin Shirts, I had enough to read it. I have to say this shit is spot on. You should go to work for a video game journal or something. Literally, every journal needs talent which they sorely lack. Simon is probably the hero of the DLC, looking from another way and he makes into your list without ever using a serrated weapon, man is really cool. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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