It is a foreign flag. It is the flag of a vanquished enemy of the United States. In that sense. It’s no different than the British flag, or the French flag, or the German flag, or the Japanese flag. Why would it ever be flown at a United States military base? Would you fly the Japanese flag at a US military base? What do the Top People say I Act Like I’m Crazy I Tell Them I’m Not Acting Shirt? I’m in the Air force right now and some guy on my floor has a confederate flag in his room. Of course, he was the one wasting our time on the commander’s call calling COVID a hoax and complaining about masks. Great news!! Now if they could ban fox “news” being played in every military mess hall that would be great. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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A guy I know raged about the then-plan to impose this ban. I asked if he realized that the Confederate flag was anti-American. He and his friends accused me of being a commie traitor and a liar. Isn’t it fucking crazy that it took this long to ban literal Traitors flags off of Top People Say I Act Like I’m Crazy I Tell Them I’m Not Acting Shirt? Whistleblowers traitors like Edward Snowden when they aren’t the real traitors? There are thousands of service-members who live on military bases in base housing, which are basically just like regular subdivisions with cookie-cutter homes. Some of those homes have apparently been flying the confederate flag. It is so fucking typical of the moron in chief to decry freedom of speech regarding.
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Flying the Confederate battle flag while in the same breath suggesting people who burn the American flag should be imprisoned. .On any US government-owned buildings bc the confederacy was literally a group of states. That decided to LEAVE the United States and battle us at war. Why would we fly our enemy’s flag? I hate political correctness, but this isn’t political correctness. It’s goddamn decency on the one hand. On the other, the freakin Confederacy tried to destroy the USA. What heritage is there to be honored? Burn that flag and let the hillbillies wipe their asses with it. US military is supposed to fight for freedom, while the confederates fought to oppress. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much. Ok.
Other Product: Official Native American I Wear Red For My Sisters Shirt
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