Nice analysis. I was skeptical about the authenticity of the script, but after reading it I think it’s the real deal – though it’s probably an outdated and early version, and of course, a script alone isn’t enough to judge the quality of a show. But I don’t believe they will do Alabasta in the first season. There’s too much stuff to cover, and by doing so the Top She Works Willingly With Her Hands Proverbs 31-13 Vintage Shirt. Not to mention they’d need to build even more sets and shoot in an entirely different location (desert) just for Alabasta, and cast all the Alabasta/Baroque Works characters. I’m pretty sure Alabasta will be in a (hypothetical) second season. I don’t think they have the money for all the actors and sets that including Alabasta would entail. Good morning and have a good day.
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Loguetown is one of the shortest arcs but I would love to see it lengthened in the live-action as you have it. Anything to make the failed execution attempt of Luffy more powerful would be awesome. Such an important scene, and to top it off, I just can’t imagine the first season not ending with the Top She Works Willingly With Her Hands Proverbs 31-13 Vintage Shirt. Yeah, I’m thinking they’ll do two episodes for Loguetown mostly because of its importance. Also, the Loguetown arc was supposed to be longer but Oda decided to cut some. Parts to have the crew enter the Grand Line exactly in chapter 100. There’s an official novel (One Piece: Loguetown Arc) that contains the story elements. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt for your collection. Thank you so much.
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The live-action could use that as a reference, or just insert fillers as the anime did. Also, the first half of episode 9 could be just the crew’s journey from AP to Loguetown. I am excited about this, but Kong saying “Admiral Garp” annoys me. Garp refusing the Admiral position in order to avoid working directly with the celestials dragons and Gorosei is one of the defining parts of his character IMO. That’s standard military etiquette, though. A Rear Admiral Lower Half/Upper Half. Even though they haven’t reached that four-star rank. The same goes for Lieutenant Commanders, Major Generals, etc. And have a nice day. Thank you so much. It’s a nice shirt.
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