Not only that, but he almost certainly anticipated that Harry would want to talk privately, so he went upstairs to the Top Voldemort Merry Christmas From You Know Who Shirt. But Harry took an entire half hour to show up, giving Ron a lot of time to feel as though Harry saw him more as a sidekick then a friend/confidant. In Ron and Harry’s big fight, Ron actually makes an effort to make up before Harry does. Reading between the lines of the scene where Ron interrupts Harry’s. Conversation with Sirius, it becomes clear that Ron was waiting up for Harry. Presumably to try to make up with him, but when he came down Harry was. So rude to him that he gave it up for the moment. Note also that Ron doesn’t retaliate when. Harry throws a badge at him and he acts less distant towards him the next day.
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Scientifically speaking a ferret, a stoat and a weasel share the same family and genus making them the biological equivalent of distant cousins. Draco insultingly refers to the Weasleys as Top Voldemort Merry Christmas From You Know Who Shirt turned into a ferret. Considering Arthur claims the Malfoys are distantly related to the Weasleys, this is hilarious. When Ron states that he is only interested in “pretty girls. No matter their personality, and then rejects Eloise. Midgen as a date because her nose is very slightly off-center. Hermione seems to be overreacting to his comments,. But as far as the boys know Hermione still has her buck-teeth (they didn’t notice. The reduction till later on but it had been performed. At this point), so she is actually reacting to hearing the boy.
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