Like i dragged the kids to see the horsies, and was all like LOOKIT THE HORSIES! while the kids were like meh. Toddlers, man. My Top Working Off This Six Pack Pizza Fitness Shirt in it the other day and were both so delighted that we talked about it for probably five minutes. For context, we live in the suburbs of a large city and there are no auction marts or any other horse-related places nearby. So we were mostly just trying to figure out where they were going! My parents have a Golden Retriever and whenever I see her, my mood increases by at least 100%. The adults were all running around squealing with joy like a bunch of 2-year-olds. Was so much fun. One of the most magical things I’ve ever experienced.
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Even if I just turned around for a few seconds and she’s still lying in the. Exact same position on the exact same spot on the floor (because. Why walk Top Working Off This Six Pack Pizza Fitness Shirt. Good floor to sleep on), I still get excited seeing her again. Meanwhile, I’m in group therapy over Zoom. And we spend the first 5-10 minutes of every session showing off whic. Pets we have with us that day and updating everyone. On anything cute they might have done recently. It’s mostly to break the ice and get everyone comfortable with sharing, but it’s kind of funny to see a group of adults holding up their pets to the camera while a group of adults fawns over them for a bit. I did a whale watching trip in Monterey a few years ago and we saw a pod of orcas.
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