Just not tonight. I was the same age as you were and a little older than you now. I’ve only once told a sexual partner and I regretted doing so after their reaction: I was trying to explain why I was so reluctant to have Unicorn And Magic Bitchdust That’s How I Roll Shirt to what had happened. Otherwise the only people who know are my doctor, a psychiatrist, a friend, a stranger. I confided in on the internet, and whomever read my journal. I tried to tell my father once but he wouldn’t let me. I think he knew what I was going to say but didn’t want to hear it. God I am so alone with it. Friends don’t understand why I don’t want to socialise or go to the pu. Why I’m afraid of social situations and new people.
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I wish I could rip it out of me. please tell someone, whether it be. A counselor or just a friend or someone you trust. I was raped when I was 6 and I didn’t tell anyone until I was almost 19 and it really affects Unicorn And Magic Bitchdust That’s How I Roll Shirt. Me too at age 12. I’m 35 this year and didn’t tell anyone until last year not even my husband of 17 years. he was pretty upset he’s like why have you never told me this? and I said well it’s not really something you just casually bring up. Personally irl I really hate boring/surface level conversations. I’d rather not talk to someone than talk about the weather or “how are you”. Sometimes I just jumpstart a conversation with something.
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