In the middle of one my shifts, this lady comes up, gives me her order, and when I go to give her her ticket she says to me “Welder I Try To Be A Nice Person But Sometimes My Mouth Doesn’t Cooperate Shirt, whatever you are going through, I hope it gets better.” Then she walked away. Took this advice to heart and now whenever I see anyone who always forces a smile for no reason, it sends shivers down my psyche. The last time this happened to me, my grandmother had died two hours earlier. So I told them that. They were so mortified I think they’ll never ask anyone this idiotic and vapid question again. When I’m desperate to fix what ever must be horribly wrong to make you avoid my small talk, I finally have to ask what is wrong. What?! What is making you this torturously silent?! Please smile so I know you aren’t in pain.
Welder I Try To Be A Nice Person But Sometimes My Mouth Doesn’t Cooperate Shirt, Tank top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
Walking into a bank, thinking of what I need to get done. I got “you need to SMILE” from some rando dude headed the other way. No. My purpose on earth is not to smile in case you see my Welder I Try To Be A Nice Person But Sometimes My Mouth Doesn’t Cooperate Shirt. Pop off. I had an NCO who would demand I give him a “nice big smile” before I went home. The dude was so creepy and the last person in the world I wanted to smile at. And I dreaded going in to work every single day. I’ve started responding to this by plastering a creepy-ass maniacal smile to my face for as long as I can stand it. Seems to do the trick. My manager and some corworkers always say I should smile more. I get that it’s great for morale and such, but as an introverted, anxiety-driven. Guy with 0 social skills and a serious case of resting bitch face, it honestly hurts.
Other Product: Funny Be Yourself People Don’t Have To Like You And You Don’t Have To Care Snoopy Shirt
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